Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The other night during a very competitive game of Balls In Cones, CABS Edition (if you don't know what this is, are you really living life?), I had a pretty deep discussion with one of the drivers/players, Mikey. It's something that I've thought of before, but this time it really has me perplexed.
The Columbus weather was pretty clear, but you could barely see any stars in the sky. Both of us are from the country and we started talking about how a clear sky at home looks. Our discussion turned toward the vastness of the universe and how amazing the notion of never-ending really is. Then Mikey said something that really got me thinking: Forever.
When you stop to think how little you are in proportion to the entire universe, it is overwhelming. When you begin to think about how short your time on earth is in relation to forever, it is absolutely unthinkable. Not just a forever that continues on after you die, but a forever that has always existed. Truely amazing, whether you are religious or not.
Throughout my life in church, I have heard about how God created a universe without bounds and that our time after life will be spent either as an eternity in Heaven, or an eternity in Hell. So why this short discussion during the heat of competition (and intense work if my boss asks) has me thinking so much is beyond me.
I think that there are some things that we, as people, should not spent too much time dwelling on, and this may be one of those things. On the other hand, I think it is good to reflect on this from time to time to help keep some things in perspective.
Thinking of forever can easily lead into thinking about life on earth after you are gone. After I die, what, if anything, will I be remembered for? What did I do on this Earth to make a difference? These concepts motivate me to do more good in my life and leave a lasting impression, however my name will most likely not be remembered for too many years after I'm gone.
Without preaching too much, I think the one answer to all of this is God. By giving your life to Him you have a greater ability and more opportunities to make a difference in so many ways. While your name may not go down into history, you will discover the true meaning of life, and along with it, true happiness. Who knew Balls In Cones could provide so much more than a little entertainment.

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