Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Feed My Fish

Some of you may notice the fish I recently acquired on the right side of your screen. They are a little clingy to the curser, but for a bunch of fish, they really aren't all that bad. I was unsure about these fish from the start, but they are kinda growing on me. Fish are, after all, pretty gross animals when you think about it. Swimming around in their own filth all the time, eating other fish, smelling like a fish does. Maybe thats why I kinda like these ones - they are clean, have no odor, and only eat the food that you give them.
That reminds me of my first task for you: feed my fish! You'll notice that the fish tend to follow the curser around a little. If you left click in their "pond" you can drop little fish foods for them. The best part is when they fight a little bit to get the food. If only I could get some turtles for my little aquaculture center... (That one's for you, Jed and Brandon.) On the other hand, having turtles around might just attract this guy.
It just doesn't seem right that a guy should have a herd of fish (they're too cool for school) without names. Here's where you come in again. I took the pleasure of naming a couple of them already. The white fish (yes, there's a white fish in there, it's just hard to see) will be named Snowflake, in honor of the greatest fish of all time. The blue fish will be named John. I struggled with whether or not to name a lowly fish after myself, but since it is a blue fish, it is the most deserving of that name. There is still a green fish, a red fish and a gray (or is it grey?) fish that need to be named. Post your comments below and I will choose the best names for these fish.


  1. I just now saw the white fish. hahaha.how in the world did you put them on your page??? i want fish on my page!!!

    I think you should name the red one Cano.
    the green one Falk, and the grey one Epps. Then we can choose if we really want to feed them or not with those names. hahaha just kidding. i would definitely feed them if they were truly them...
    love the post John

  2. John, your posts make me laugh, a lot, and make me think that you should consider entering the social media world of Facebook as I think your status updates would bring a little extra excitement to my Facebook stalking escapades.
    Also in thinking of names for the fish (which I love) I am tempted to suggest "Vanilla" for the red one just for fun as it would remind me of vanilla coke (haha red like the can, get it) ok lame, I will continue thinking for you. You could also name the Grey on Scarlet, original... I think so!

  3. This is a great post. I like how you took the whole post to talk about the fish. Haha. I agree with Jenna on the names. Those seem like good ones to me.
