Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Summer's Coming

So this block is kinda kicking my butt lately. I'm really looking forward to when I can get caught up on 10 weeks worth of lost sleep. I think I might stop shaving, start carrying a shotgun and go sleep in the woods for a few years.

When summer gets here, my life will slow down considerably. I am looking forward to this just as much as I am looking forward to starting some new projects that I don't have enough time to work on during school. I will be the maintenance supervisor at the Perry County Fairgrounds again this summer. I have been there since last June and I really like it. If you've never been, you should go. The more people that come to the events we have at the fairgrounds, the more job security for me.

Back to my summer projects. I will be working on a boat for my brother-in-law's parents. The boat came out of the water, over-revved and threw a rod out the side of the engine block. I just happen to have a rotating assembly that should work, so I will soon begin switching engines. I have never worked on a boat, so this could be interesting...

Another project that I have really been wanting to tackle this summer is a tractor restoration. I have always been fascinated with unstyled John Deere Two-Cylinders. I need to get in gear about finding one, however. Summer's coming fast, even if it seems like this quarter will never end.


  1. Hey John! Im ready for summer too. All except that I dont want to work at cabs for all of it... Once upon a time my truck decided to chuck a rod too. That was up at the good 'ole ATI though. Where life was easy.

  2. I have lost a lot of sleep this quarter too. I can only imagine how much sleep you are losing with all your jobs. Your job this summer sounds like it will keep you busy though. If your anything like me, you are looking forward to the fresh air.

  3. Definitely, Gregg. I can't wait to be outside for at least 12 hours per day, every day.

    Aaron, if you can help it, don't work at CABS. It has some benefits, but can get very boring. I only did 2 weeks last year at the begining of the summer and that was enough for me.

  4. John I am also fascinated with restoring tractors, so if you ever want any help just let me know and I will be there in a flash.
