Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Blockies

It's the end of the quarter and I have to say that I am going to miss you guys. I think we all got to know each other really well these past 10 weeks and have built relationships that will extend beyond our time at tOSU.

I was recently inspired when I was thinking of appropriate topics for my last blog of the quarter. Looking back over the block, there were many fun times and good moments, some of them worthy of an award...

So without further ado, lets kick off the First (not so) Annual Blockies Awards! The stars are starting to walk the red carpet.

And here's your host for the evening, John Lindsey. (As I walk out on stage...)

(Actually, it's more like this, but I'm trying to feed my ego a little.)

Our first award for the evening is for best SAE Project Ever.

And the winner is... This should come as no suprise to you, Gregg Homan who raised chinchillas for their fur! Congratulations Gregg!

The next award of the evening goes for the Best YouTube video.

Running away with the votes is Kayla Weaver. Here it is. Listen to her go. Weird Al Yankovic, eat your heart out.

The third award goes to the Best Duet of the block.

Dr. Cano and Dr. Whittington could not be here to accept the award tonight. On the front of the bus on our way back to Ohio from PA, some of us were treated to a rousing rendition of The Auctioneer, oringinally by Leroy Vandyke, made better (not really) by Drs. Cano and Whittington.

Next up is Best Behavior Among Triplets during the block.

The winners are... Brandon Thomas, Jena Freisner and Katrina (or is it Sabrina?) Swinehart. Brothers and sisters always fight, but these FU triplets got along remarkably well. Good kids.

Now we'll announce the winner for the Why Haven't They Fired Me Yet, I Never Come To Work? award.

This goes to Aaron Harter, without a doubt, for missing at least half his shifts at CABS this quarter. Way to go, Aaron! Your ability to remain employed without working is actually very impressive.

Next is the award for Best Drink.

Let's give it up for Shalie Terrill and her Vanilla Coke. Is there anything better than a Vanilla Coke with a tall glass of ice? Yes, but probably not in the drink world.

Now we'll find out who won the award for Best Ability to Shake "Friendly" Women.

Without a doubt, Jed Bookman in PA. Jed would like to dedicate this award to Aaron Carter Harter. Congratulations Jed, and sorry, Aaron.

The next award of the evening is for the Best Cook of the block.

Katie Miller brought us way too many treats on our trips. Thanks to Katie and some of her food, I think we all gained a little more weight this quarter.

Next up is the Miss Chick award.

The winner is... Maria Goubeaux. In case you didn't know it, Goubeaux farms used to be the largest poultry-something this side of the Mississippi. Ask Maria about it sometime (but do it when Jed or Gregg is around).

The Be Careful About Playing Euchre With Her Because She Will Win, Seriously award is next.

Courtney Moenter walks away with the honor! Seriously, she is good. And it's kind of embarassing when she beats you pretty bad.

The final award of the evening is the How The Heck Did He Get Through AEE 531 award.

The winner is... Jeremy Ryan. Seriously, I had 3 years of FFA in high school and struggled with a lot of things in that class. This was his first exposure to a lot of the topics covered. I'm impressed.

In my closing remarks, I would like to thank each of you for making the block a good experience. I'm glad I had the chance to get to know each of you better and look forward to being your future colleague. Even though I am looking forward to summer like you wouldn't believe, I will miss seeing you guys. Have a great summer and a great student teaching experience.


  1. oh john! you are just too funny!

  2. Aaron Carter wishes he could be as cool as me! lol, but really, Jed shook that girl like a salt shaker!

  3. So entertaining, we will have to keep this in mind for the block recognition next year at the AES banquet for sure! lol oh and i fed your fish!

  4. Nice, John. That must of took a lot of work to do. Very entertaining.

  5. Love the blog John! I have really enjoyed reading your blogs this quarter. I hope your creativeness will roll over into your classroom some day!

  6. John, you are way too creative! Thanks for the award! You know your award is most wise! Have a great summer.

  7. LOVE IT JOHN! You've been very entertaining in the BLOCK this quarter, I feel I am a better person for taking in part of you wisdom!

  8. Glad to hear I allowed you to go up another pant size! Thanks for the blog, it truly was very entertaining to read!
